The calories we get from the food we eat are very important because it acts as a fuel to keep our body working. The excess calories that we take in are...
Author - Hara Hagikalfa
Hara Hagikalfa completed her BSc(Hons) in Health and Exercise Science, Sports Science and Medicine. She is a certified Personal Trainer and Pilates instructor. You can learn more about Hara and connect with her on Facebook
Unlike other illnesses, fighting obesity would require much more than surgery and medications. You would need to do major lifestyle changes including diet and...
“I’m on a diet!” This is what we usually hear from people who want to lose weight. But what diet is effective in losing weight? Starvation diet is definitely a...
Ever wonder how celebrities acquire beautiful bodies even if some of them previously do not have them? Let’s face it; losing weight is no overnight magic. Even...
Want to have just like body of your celebrity icon? Aren’t you wondering how they were able to retain just lean and so good looking body? Certainly when...
One of the questions you really need to ask yourself before getting into the weight loss journey is whether you really want to lose weight. A definite and...